
Documentation pages for using Creodocs.

  • Manual Entry

Submitting Document Data Manually

The easiest way to create documents on Creodocs is by manually entering document data into the website. To do this, click on the template you want to use in your Workshop and you will be presented with a manual entry form containing all the document's variables and fields for entering your content.

Manual Entry Form

The manual entry form contains sections for each variable group in the template selected. Inside each group section, all variables belonging to the group are displayed as rows, with the variable name on the left and the document data input on the right. If the variable name is bold, it must have data entered for it for the document to be produced; if the variable name is bold italic, the variable must have data entered for it only if any other variable in the group has data entered (i.e. all variables in the group can be empty). It is not always obvious what each variable corresponds to in the document, so if there is a small question mark () to the right of the variable name, mouse over it to see a description of what the variable does and how the value you enter may be automatically transformed.

If the group is a multi-group, the variables will appear with a box around them indicating that multiple sets of variables can be created in the group. Three tabs are present for each set of variables that let you manipulate the set. The green tab below is for creating a new blank set below the current set, the red tab to the right is for deleting the current set and the grey tab on the left is for moving the current set up or down in relation to other sets.

Variables can only accept content up to a maximum defined length of characters. Maximum lengths are necessary to constrain the impact that each variable can have on the document. For example, a main title at a font size of 80pt looks good if it contains a handful of words, but if a whole sentence is entered for the main title variable, it would quickly take up the entire page and have an adverse effect on the document. Each variable in the manual entry form shows the current number of characters entered and the maximum allowed under the input field as "X/Y characters remaining".

Variables can accept different types of data depending on what they are used for in the document. Broadly, variables can accept text, whole numbers, numbers with decimals or true/false values (see the Template Specifications section for more information). If a variable is defined as accepting only whole numbers, you will only be allowed to enter whole numbers in the input field for the variable, and the same goes for the other types listed. You can determine what type of data is allowed by looking at the remaining characters text underneath the input field, which will read "digits remaining" for number inputs or "characters remaining" when the input accepts any text. True/false inputs will appear as 2 radio buttons for true and false.

Once you submit your variable data for document creation, it will be checked for accuracy and if there are any errors you will be returned to the manual entry form where what you entered will be restored so you don't lose your progress.

Locked Variable Content

Beside each variable's data input field you will find a lock icon (), which can be toggled on (locked) or off (unlocked). This is a feature exclusive to the manual entry form and allows you to save variable data entered into the form for later re-use. To use this feature, simply enter data for any variable and once you are done, click the lock button to lock the variable content. When you submit the form to create a document, all variables you have locked will have their content saved and next time you return to the manual entry form for the document the values will be restored. This is a very useful feature for creating documents that change over time, such as invoices or curriculum vitaes, where you can save your personal information once and never have to re-enter it again.

Locking variables in a multi-group will lock them per set, in other words, all variables in the locked set are locked together. The order of locked sets in each multi-group is also saved.

Default Values

You may notice that some variables have pre-filled values even though they are unlocked, these are known as default values. Default values are specified in the template when there is a single variable value that is used the majority of the time, but it is allowed to be customised if required by the user. For example, an invoice template may have large lettering at the top saying Invoice, but some companies or jurisdictions require invoices to explictily say Tax Invoice for legal reasons. In this case, the template may expose this variable to the user to allow it to be changed, but specify Invoice as the default value since this will be used the majority of the time. If you would like to override a default value, simply replace it with your own and lock the value so it is saved. Likewise, if you want the value to always be blank, rather than use the default, just remove the default value and lock the empty variable.